Sunday, July 10, 2011

it is ok to ask

every voice that points to the truth is unique.  some sound better than others to your conditioned thought patterns.  this blog is here to help.  it's not here to proclaim itself as the bible of truth.  it's here to share the notes of how one seeker found liberation.  it's also here to share notes on what it's like after one has passed through the gateless gate.

there is no shame or harm in asking for a buddy check.  when the truth is seen it will be undeniable, and the sharing of that between human minds is one of the top shelf experiences of all of life's experiences.

the truth is likely not going to descend like a dove from heaven and land on your head.  no booming voice of god is going to declare you a beloved son.  if you are out there, desperately yearning to know what this blog is about, and the linked blogs, and the arena, you should not be afraid to ask.  find the voice that feels right to you and reach out.

i felt a craving to check with someone.  humans are social animals.  it helps to have a friend to share with and i didn't find anyone that felt open and willing until i talked to ciaran.  it was a private conversation over chat.  it wasn't public or overly dramatic.  it was mainly just a very firm reassurance that the truth could be seen if it was looked at. 

most spiritual teachers have always felt very unapproachable and too expensive to me.  i never fell prey to the western idea that something is worth more if you have to pay for it.  i always wanted to know the truth that is available for anyone, anytime, anywhere.  i knew it had to be there, and i'm pretty sure most people know it too. 

so ask.  share.  open up.  don't be shy.  there's no reason to wait.  i love you.


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Unknown said...

ain't it the truth.

Sarah said...

Thank you...I needed to read this.

Anonymous said...

Hello Fierce, Is 'it' that presence that is always there ?

A Friend said...

You say: "i always wanted to know the truth that is available for anyone, anytime, anywhere."

Try this mindblowing book with an extremly important message in it for every human + Being that gives you food for thoughts:

TheWayhomeorfaceTheFire dot net

Best regards,

Freedom Blogroll

GChat Freedom


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Fierce Freedom

Make the lie big,
make it simple,
keep saying it,
and eventually they will believe it.

. . Adolph Hitler

Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.9 per cent
Of everything you think,
And of everything you do,
Is for yourself —
And there isn't one.

. . Wei Wu Wei

To write something and leave it behind us,
It is but a dream.
When we awake we know There is not even anyone to read it.

. . Ikkyu
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