Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who is breathing?

“Observe your own body. It breathes. You breathe when you are asleep, when you are no longer conscious of your own ideas of self-identity. Who, then, is breathing? The collection of information that you mistakenly think is you is not the protagonist in this drama called the breath. In fact, you are not breathing; breath is naturally happening to you. You can purposely end your own life, but you cannot purposely keep your own life going. The expression, ‘my life’ is actually an oxymoron, a result of ignorance and mistaken assumption. You don’t possess life; life expresses itself through you. Your body is a flower that life let bloom, a phenomenon created by life.”

- Ilchi Lee


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Fierce Freedom

Make the lie big,
make it simple,
keep saying it,
and eventually they will believe it.

. . Adolph Hitler

Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.9 per cent
Of everything you think,
And of everything you do,
Is for yourself —
And there isn't one.

. . Wei Wu Wei

To write something and leave it behind us,
It is but a dream.
When we awake we know There is not even anyone to read it.

. . Ikkyu
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